

Sports day

Sports day celebrated at NIIPUC on 18th of September 2017 speaks for the commitment that all of us in the College for the sport. We witnessed the athletic performance of the highest quality, where students competed with each other in the true spirit of sportsmanship and fair play.

Annual Day

Nalanda inscribes its Annual day celebration in a flamboyant manner. It is a cultural extravaganza which is a feast to the eyes, enthralling a mammoth audience. It is followed the prize distribution ceremony for achievers.

Farewell Day

‘To Meet; To Know; and then to part, Is the saddest tale of many a Human Heart’

On 22nd of February 2018, College witnessed its fourth farewell party hosted by the students of I PUC dedicated to the fourth batch of II PUC students of  the College. 

The students felt the anguish of separation and grief washing over them. They felt desperate to hold on to these last few precious moments of togetherness & companionship. All Staff ,wished them good luck for their future endeavors.

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