
Elementary School

Primary School comprises Classes 1 to 5. At NGIPS, we value education more of as a collaborative construction of meaning and as the transformation of personal understanding, and less as the transmission of knowledge through rote memorization of facts.

Keeping this in mind, the course is carefully crafted to aid the student’s development.

Here, the main emphasis is on the all-round development of the child. The academic, social and behavioural aspect takes center stage. Children are exposed to various activities which allow them to discover where their interests lie.


Core and Additional Subjects

Language studies (Kannada, English and Hindi), Mathematics, Pure Science(Physics, Chemistry and Biology), Environmental Science, Social Sciences (History, Geography), General Knowledge, Computer Application, Value Education.

Co-scholastic activities

Fine arts and craft, SUPW, (Socially Useful and Productive Work), physical education and yoga.

Non-scholastic activities

Creativity display, Performing arts (Dramatics, Dance, Vocal music, Instrumental music), Mass drill, Public speaking, Sports and Games, Excursions and field trips.

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